{ Brynhildr | She/Her | 26 | Au Ra }

The Unrelenting Sunbeam

Born in the Steppes, Narantuya left her tribe in order to see the world and seek out training her tribe couldn't provide.Presently wandering Eorzea and the continents beyond as something between an adventurer and an investigator, Narantuya always has a hand to spare to those in need and a tale to tell to those willing to listen.

Learning new things, Chocobo Riding, Triple Triad, Puzzle games
Horses, Thunderstorms, Sand

Jobs (DoW/DoM):

Jobs (DoH/DoL):


Born on the Steppes, Narantuya spent her childhood wandering alongside her tribe and family. A rather curious child, she threw herself into any new task the tribe had to offer. From hunting and gathering to weaving clothes and mending tents.
While she tried a little of everything, her favorite chores were helping her Baba with her work as the tribe's resident apothecary. As the Malqirs would soon find, little Narantuya inherited her grandmother's natural attunement to white magic. And from then on she was made an "apprentice" of sorts to the elderly Xaela throughout her early teens.
In her late teens tensions between the Malqir and the Adarkim were rapidly rising, with whispers of an assault on the horizon. Rather than let Narantuya and the tribe's other youth be forced into the Adarkim's ranks should the Malqirs fall, the tribe sent them out into the world until the conflict could be resolved.Narantuya didn't stay with her peers for long. Some fell in with other tribes, others remained in Reunion until the tensions lowered, others still drifted away from the Steppe to see the world beyond while they still could. Narantuya was one of the latter, bouncing from one odd job to another until she found herself within Kugane's boundaries, and as an attendant to one Ichirou Kamiya.Ichirou was a prodigy of an investigator. Able to pull confessions out of people even after the evidence had been hidden and the case long ran cold. He worked primarily for the Sekiseigumi, but was no stranger to chasing cases accross the east. While Nara started as more of a houseservant to him, he quickly picked up on her aetherical attunement and knowledge of medical plights and began to train her as an investigative assistant of sorts.The two travelled together as an investigative duo for a few years until, while Nara was visiting back home, Ichirou suffered an "accident" while chasing a lead that might have put a high profile member of the Yakuza away. While not dead, the incident left him blinded and spooked enough to shelve the profession all together.He did, however, encourage Nara to head to the west, hone her skills at the guild that trained mages like her, and with that skill perhaps do what he could not.So she did. Booking passage to Thanalan, then hitching rides on Caravans until she found herself in New Gridania. . .While training with the Conjurer's guild, their work sent her out to the East Shroud to try and push back the corruption of the Ramuh-tempered Sylphs on the land.
It was there that Nara found a weakened "Sylph" named Daen Eo. She just intended to take them back to Little Solace, but an unexpected ambush by some tempered sylphs impeded that plan...
She woke up back in Gridania, unharmed, miraculously untempered, and feeling just a touch different.Nowadays Nara is balancing her training with trying to understand what happened to her, what she technically is now and why that "Sylph" seemed to merge their remaining aether into her in the first place.

Plot Hooks

Wandering Friends - Narantuya is never too busy to lend aid to a person in need. Whether one requires an additional staff or investigative perspective, the only payment Narantuya asks for is that of the experience.Whether you seek to RP a one off adventure or a longer term adventuring group/duo, I'm open to both! New friends are always welcome!

Case Closed! - Narantuya is an investigator. While not world renowned, she does have quite a few cases beneath her belt. But one seldom chooses when a mystery may reveal itself, and new acquaintances are notorious for bringing at least one along with them.I would love love love to play through mystery plots. Whether your character is hiring Narantuya to look into something, a fellow (or aspiring) investigator tagging along for a case (or maybe racing Narantuya to solve it), or even one of the suspects themselves!

From the Steppes (Xaela Specific) - It has been years since Narantuya has travelled back to the Steppes, once she left her attention has mostly shifted to that of her current line(s) of work. Perhaps in her travels she may chance across someone from her homeland with news from the Steppe Tribes.

Whether kin from the Malqir tribe or simply another Au Ra who may have been home more recently, Narantuya is always open to build connections with fellow Steppes-Dwellers (Especially if tribal tensions back home wouldn't allow for them to do so normally).

Fae-Touched, Fate-Touched -
As it turns out, her mentor made a deal with.. Something.
Something that was obligated to look after her as long as she followed the trail of the case that blinded him. With the only creature that could explain her new state of being to her now very much gone, and Ichirou unable to shed further light on the situation, it's up to Nara to figure it out! Maybe your character can help?

Romantic Pairing Info -
Narantuya is bisexual.
✔️ Okay with- ♀ + ♀ & ♀ + ♂ pairings, Slowburn, Angst, Fluff *
Nos- Lalafell, ERP


{Alchemyst ( Or Al / Ally for short) | She/Her | 21 | Mega Nerd}

  • CST timezone. (But my sleep schedule is perpetually fucked)

  • 18+. Mature content okay, no ERP/NSFW.

  • Okay with Ingame / Forum RP. Also okay with using Discord. Just ask.

  • @alchemial on tumblr. (Follow me if you like hit podcast The Silt Verses lmao)


Fun times at the Gold Saucer!

Picking up Supplies in Gridania.

Warming up in Coerthas.

Building a snowman with a friend. <3